In moments such as these, that's my soul is the one stolen.

Lasek Marceliński / Marcelin Forrest
Poznań, Poland 2016

Lasek Marceliński / Marcelin Forrest
Poznań, Poland 2016

Lasek Marceliński / Marcelin Forrest
Poznań, Poland 2016

Lasek Marceliński / Marcelin Forrest
Poznań, Poland 2017

Lasek Marceliński / Marcelin Forrest
Poznań, Poland 2017

Lasek Marceliński / Marcelin Forrest
Poznań, Poland 2017

Lasek Marceliński / Marcelin Forrest
Poznań, Poland 2017

Lasek Marceliński / Marcelin Forrest
Poznań, Poland 2017

Płatki śniegu na szybie samochodu / Snowflakes on the car window
Poland 2017

Ostrokrzew po pierwszych przymrozkach / Frosted holly
Poznań, Poland 2016

Kropla deszczu na gałązce / Raindrop on branch
Poland 2016

Norweskie Wodospady Latem / Summertime waterfall in Norway
gudvangen, norway 2014

Zachód słońca odbija się w lusterku samochodowym / Sunset on the highway, reflected in car mirror